Wellness is a Lifestyle

How are you progressing through 2017 with a resolve to be healthy? Have you been able to maintain some important lifestyle changes that contribute to your body not only becoming healthier, but staying healthy for a lifetime?   It’s very easy to slide back into some bad habits, especially if you are feeling pretty good. Making decisions that contribute to overall good health and well-being...
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Time to Clean the Slate

Do you remember when you were a child playing with an Etch A Sketch? Perhaps we are dating ourselves, but after working those dials to draw a picture, you would shake the box and start again with a clean slate.  Or perhaps you have written a letter or a story, only to toss it in the trash (or hit delete) and start all over.  Or, if you are like me, started to build something, only to find out...
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What Does it Mean to be Healthy?

This month, let’s take a minute and try and understand what it means to be healthy.  We’ve talked a lot about health, but how we define it can be quite different.  Some people might say to be healthy is not to be sick; to feel good; to be happy; to have mobility; to be free of any type of ailment.  No matter how we define health, most people would rate their health based entirely on their...
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Preventing Malware!

Sometimes a virus can be a nasty thing.  No one likes to have a virus take hold of their body and do what they often do – make life miserable.  However, our bodies are designed to recognize a foreign, viral intruder and put in play a series of highly complex reactions to identify, isolate, immobilize and eliminate the intruder.  Granted, some of these body responses can be quite unpleasant...
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